커뮤니티 - 자유게시판

영어 작문 첨삭 부탁드립니다.

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안녕하세요 간단히 영어 작문을 했는데, 어법이나 영어적으로 이상한 부분이 있는거 첨삭 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.   Dear Patrick Fischer, I received your email regarding my recently order. I am sorry to hear that my ordered products were already out of stock. Since my dinner party is scheduled next Friday, it is fine with me if you deliver the beverages that I ordered before Friday. I was told that the beverages taste delicious and had a lot of good reviews on the website, therefore I would like to receive that beverage to make the party successful. If not possible, it is also okay with me that we could get other popular drinks. However, you should keep in mind that our customers don’t like the beverages containing much sugar such as coke or sprite. Finally I suggest that you can display the state of the current items on the homepage so that client can check the statue of the items. This will avoid the errors in order and also will be helpful to your company. If you have any questions regarding my order, feel free to contact me. Thanks,  

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영어 작문 첨삭 부탁드립니다. : 창업정보 포털 오늘의창업