커뮤니티 - 자유게시판

영어 에세이 첨삭 부탁해요

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Have you ever seen trash on the street? I think the most serious environmental problem is littering. Littering means throwing different kinds of trash, like paper and plastic, in public areas or nature. Littering causes various problems such as soil pollution and impact on the ecosystem. I didn't know how to support voulnteer work. However, there was a garbage pick-up volunteer service at school, so I applied. During lunchtime, my friends and I picked up trash on the road around the school. I picked up a lot of garbage such as cans, bottles, and paper. If I had a magic lamp, I would eliminate rubbish. Because there was a lot of trash around it.   After this volunteer activity, I try to pick up the waste without littering on the road. I think we need to make these kinds of efforts for the ecosystem in the future. 분량은 140~160 단어이고요 빨간색은 문법 요소를 포함한 문장을 쓰는 것이고  가정법 과거, 의문사+ toV 두개를 사용했어요! 내용은 여러가지 환경문제중 가장 심각하다고 생각하는 환경문제에 관한 설명이랑 환경을 지키기 위해 본인이 한 구체적인 노력에 대해 설명하는 것입니다, 첨삭 부탁드려요!!

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영어 에세이 첨삭 부탁해요 : 창업정보 포털 오늘의창업