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현대 미술 번역 좀 부탁드려요

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JENNY SAVIILE이라는 작가에 관한 구절인데요 번역좀 부탁드릴게요. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ  In the rhetoric of sexual politics, sex is defined as biological differentiation and gender as a social or cultural condition. The theorist Judith Butler argues that gender is an ongoing performance and not an essential quality of the body. At the same time, it is not something that the individual constructs, but a pre-existing pattern of behaviour to which they adhere. Making this distinction opens up an ambiguity - a gap in which the nature of sex and the nurture of gender do not necessarily have to equate.    Janny Saville`s Matrix confronts us with rawly painted, wound-like female genitals and breasts presided over by a distinctly male face. The transgender body of Del LaGrace Volcano(the subject of the painting) renegotiates the construct of gender, while Saville`s starkly declarative painted forms make this public. Overbearing, Pressed against the picture plane, bruised, or even dead-looking like slabs of meat, Saville`s painted flesh describes an aesthetic of excess that is in turns abject and luscious, and mounts a direct attack on the demand for large, mortal and unruly bodies to be kept out of sight.  Direct confrontation with a `different` body was a tool of critique employed by feminist artists of the 1970s to demolish totalizing concepts such as race and gender. The introduction of assertive women`s voices into the public realm and of female bodies into public view challenges male-dominated structures and set a precedent for alternative, self-governed systems. Many art practices at this time were co-opted by political activism, and for contemporary artists the problem persists of how to present political ideas without compromising the aesthetic remit of art.  

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현대 미술 번역 좀 부탁드려요 : 창업정보 포털 오늘의창업