커뮤니티 - 자유게시판

재무제표 영문 단어 국문 번역

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아래 영문 재무재표 단어 국문 번역으로 매치가 안되어 번역 요청 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다! Balance ofCurrent Assets Long term current assetsFixed Assets ( Tangible and Intangible Assets)TOTAL ASSETSCurrent LiabilitieNon Current Liabilities  Shareholders’ EquityTOTAL LIABILITIES Net Income of Sales and/or ServicesCosts of Sales of Goods and/or ServicesOperacional Income/Expensesnon Operacional Incomenon Operacional ExpensesNet Profit before Income and Social TaxesProvision for Income Tax and Social TaxPROFIT / LOSS in the year  LAST BALANCECurrent Assets Long term current assets Fixed Assets ( Tangible and Intangible Assets)TOTAL ASSETSCurrent LiabilitiesNon Current Liabilities Shareholders’ EquityTOTAL LIABILITIES Net Income of Sales and/or ServicesCosts of Sales of Goods and/or ServicesOperacional Income/Expensesnon Operacional Incomenon Operacional ExpensesNet Profit before Income and Social TaxesProvision for Income Tax and Social TaxPROFIT / LOSS in the year DATA TO FINANCIAL LEVERAGE CALCULATION  Short-Term Loans and FinancingLong-Term Loans and FinancingIntercompany liabilities (between companies of the same group) Active Intercompany (between companies of the same group)Cash and Cash EquivalentsShort-Term Financial Investments

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재무제표 영문 단어 국문 번역 : 창업정보 포털 오늘의창업